Orange Beach residents raising funds to light Perdido Pass Bridge


A team of Orange Beach volunteer citizens are undertaking a multimillion-dollar community project to add decorative LED lighting technology to the Perdido Pass Bridge, with support from the City of Orange Beach. Planners say adding LED lighting technology to the bridge will capture the attention of hundreds and thousands of people, residents and visitors alike, while bolstering the identity of Orange Beach as the premier beach destination on the northern Gulf Coast.

Supports of the project say LED bridge lighting is among the most energy-efficient options a city can choose when deciding ways to improve the community. LED lighting is widely known for using less power than traditional lighting and rarely needs to be replaced, providing an eco-friendly lighting option with an extremely long lifespan. It is possible the low amount of power required to light the bridge can be generated via solar energy technology and that option is currently being investigated by officials.

The group is working closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for Turtle Safety, and the Alabama Department of Transportation for bridge enhancement. The Orange Beach Perdido Pass Bridge Lighting Project, a nonprofit organization with 501-C-3 IRS status, has been established and members are actively building the marketing, fundraising and the necessary network to have the lights in place by 2023.